
Develop high-precision medical needle tube molds

After years of careful research and repeated verification and development of new processes, our "multi-cavity high-precision medical needle mold" was successfully developed and sold well at home and abroad, winning unanimous praise from customers. Since then, the company has also sounded the clarion call for R&D innovation.
“Continuous innovation is the responsibility of each of our front-line craftsmen, and the pursuit of excellence is an occupational disease of our craftsmen.” Through the efforts of the team, we have successfully developed a 24-cavity high-speed medical needle injection molding system with a cycle time of 3.5 seconds, with a daily output of up to 800,000 Only, the production efficiency has been effectively improved, and the company has reached a new level. "There is no perfect individual, only an excellent team." Our technical team is committed to improving this "medical needle mold" technology and constantly meeting the higher requirements of consumers.
Due to the difficulty of medical projects, this technology is still blank in China and Asia. During the research and development process, the selection of raw materials, mold structure design, feasibility analysis of the manufacturing process, matching of detection methods, selection of high-precision injection molding equipment, stability of the injection molding process...each node encountered multiple mysteries. .
"It took us three years to develop this technology from scratch to reach the top international level." After 1,095 days and nights of continuous research and testing, and after many failures, the project was finally successfully developed and the mold accuracy reached Within 0.005mm, product accuracy reaches within 0.05mm. Product accuracy is at the same technical level in Europe and leading domestically.


Post time: Jul-04-2024